... And after them all, there shall be three other whom shall be like unto the Father and Son. They shall love as a brother and fight like heroes, they shall tread parts that forever shall be dreaded... and there shall be no sweeter story, no further interesting legendary Known in the history of the Benin Cotonou Mission than these...
I Can't help but refer to them again as THE THREE AMIGOS!, BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!
Taking the story a bit earlier, I had not really cause for alarm on my mission, I've had good Areas, nice members, good people around but the one and only thing I have not really been lucky about is having companions!
I had it all, like I really did, It was not a very funny experience for me, Like I had always said before now, the mission is not fair!!!
But now, I take back my words, the mission is fair!. Maybe for a while things won't really go the way you want them to, maybe for a very long while, but there is one thing I know for sure, you will get better, you surely will... its by way promise...
In the midst of a total distress of a very pathetic and down casting host of very heart aching experiences,
The good lord called me out on the burning fire and placed me in a cool rushing waters of excessive rest and comfort! At first when I met with the Hawkins/ Lala companionship, I thought it was a from from frying pan to fire progression, but after the departure of the chief apostate, and Oliverson was called, I new we had a mission to organize THE THREE AMIGOS, FRIENDS FOREVER!!!
show me Three companions that truly understand themselves and do as much as possible to keep whats of the most important in missionary work- unity, among them.
Show me those missionaries that appreciate the opportunity of companionship in missionary work, and I'll show you this picture below...
Its not that hard to recognize when they are found, isn't it?
I've come to understand that I can always make it work!
come to think of it, If I can't make it work for the 3 months I'm gonna be with my companion, how can I make it work for all ETERNITY with my eternal companion???
ISN'T SHE PRETTY??????????????????????????